Catalyst Continues to Build Up Power

Catalyst Communications Network continues to transform Heartland Communications Group, publisher of Crane Hot Line.

Catalyst Communications Network, Digital, Media, Publishing, Editorial, Crane Hot Line

Catalyst Communications Network continues to transform Heartland Communications Group, publisher of Crane Hot Line. The changes remind me of the way some people used to buy a solid car or truck, then drop in a higher-horsepower engine, change the carburetor, put on new exhaust headers, change the suspension, and alter the gearing to make what had been a good vehicle into a souped-up version that accelerated faster, cornered tighter, sounded cooler, and delivered higher performance in just about every way. Our much-anticipated new websites will go live in the next couple of weeks, and ongoing behind the scenes work will make it easier for visitors to get more information more easily.

The new system’s analytics will also make it easier for advertisers to see how many and what kinds of folks have seen their ads.

In addition to the technology upgrades, the company structure and operations are also getting a power boost — all in order to serve readers and advertisers better than ever. News Link on page 9 shows the company’s latest leadership additions, the folks who are guiding the transformation.

Some are from the lifting industry. Others are experts in how to run a company effectively or use digital communications more powerfully. Check out the new faces who are meshing with those of us you’ve known for years, all working to deliver souped-up performance.

As always, thank you for reading, and remember to keep sending us your news and ideas for articles. We’re interested in what interests you.

Mike Larson

Mike Larson (Editor-in-Chief, Crane Hot Line)

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